I am Canadian born and have been travelling the world for over 30 years. Travel has always been a source of therapy. It's invaluable to get out there and see new things, meet new people, and broaden your horizons. It opens up the world and allows you to embrace it. I studied Travel & Tourism at college and started working in the industry in 1994. Marrying an amazing Man from Europe has allowed me to explore Europe more and in depth. Every day there is something new in the world to discover, learn and love. My passion will forever be with travel. Some of my favorite memories have been seeing the sunrise at the Taj Mahal, romantic picnic on a private island in the Yasawas (Fiji) and hiking the Inca Trail.. My travels over the years have taken me to Africa, Asia, Europe, Australia, South America, and Antarctica...but there is still so much more to explore!

Allyson Mcginnis
Fun Facts
According to Greek myth, the island of Rhodes was originally the sun god named Helios. He felt in love with a nymph named Rhodes, who transformed herself into an island when his sunlight touched her skin.
Favourite Quote
Travel opens your heart, broadens your mind, and fills your life with stories to tell.” - Paula Bendfeldt
Favourite Travel Memory
Ireland self drive - exploring the countryside, stopping in the pouring rain feeding the sheep, food tours, quaint pubs and amazing friendly people. It really doesn't matter that it rains in Ireland most of the year. It's a fabulous place
Some of Allyson's Favourite Places